Customer Service is Still Alive and Well

I am a coffee drinker and not unlike many people, I have developed a daily coffee routine that involves a trip to one of the large coffee providers. During the week, on the way to work in the morning, I stop by a convenient coffee shop that also has a reputation for super good doughnuts.

Over the last few months, the staff in the shop has changed due to a new owner, but the core staff has remained the same, and I have reached the status of a “regular.”

My first few weeks when I approached the counter I was greeted with a nice hello and a “can I help you?”

My answer was always “yes, I would like a large coffee with cream.” To clarify, I was asked.”just cream?” and I would answer “just cream.”

After a week of this, my order changed to “large just cream.” It was obvious I did not need to say “large coffee” as this was sort of understood. I also learned that “cream only” was sufficient, but “just cream” was absolutely not open to interpretation and had no chance of being flubbed by the counter personnel.

The up sell question, “any doughnuts, bagels or muffins” was always asked and I always said “no thanks.”

The transaction concluded with “have a nice day,” I handed over the money, grabbed my java and continued my trek to the office.

After a couple weeks, when I walked in, the counter person, recognizing me, asked, “large just cream?”

I would say “yes,” she would ask, “doughnut, bagel, muffin?” .I would say “no thanks,” pay and leave, coffee in hand. I was always reminded to have a nice day.

After a couple weeks, I walked in to the shop and stood my turn in a long line. My presence was acknowledged with eye contact and a nod. When I arrived finally to put in my order, I was handed a cup of coffee and told, not asked, “large just cream.”

As I paid and took the coffee, I was feeling kind of important.

I was no longer asked if I wanted a doughnut, bagel or muffin, because I NEVER wanted one. I was never asked what coffee I wanted. I began having exactly $2.06 to hand over when they handed me my coffee. They knew who I was, what I wanted, what I didn’t want and they provided me exactly what I wanted with perfect timing.

Having eliminated all of the guesswork and unnecessary dialogue from my visit, the only real words spoken ended up being, “have a nice day” and “thank you.”

Today, when I drove up in the parking lot, I could see the counter person drawing my coffee while I was still in the car. How did I know that? I was, at that moment, the only customer within 20 yards of the order counter.

Since I had my $2.06 in hand, I was in and out of the store in literally 10 seconds.

And so far, I AM having a nice day as they instructed.

I have been amused by my coffee experience for quite some time and I finally realized that this kind of customer service is a rare commodity. To this service provider, I am known, understood, acknowledged, catered to, not annoyed, pestered, squeezed or forgotten. My product is handed to me as a matter of routine, with no added fluff and the right amount of courtesy. My “large just cream” is exactly the same every day and I never have to worry about a thing.

In a world that is having a bit of an identity crisis, credibility issues and shrinking trust, I think our leaders could learn a bit from these every-day folks, who have, in their little shop, mastered the art of business.

Steve Eddington

