Meet Our Staff

Get to know the people who are working for you.



Steve Eddington

Steve began his staffing career in 1979, when he decided to take a short sabbatical from the music industry where he had been employed since graduating from college in 1972. As a generalist placing candidates primarily in the international arena, Steve gained an understanding of the telecommunications and IT industries and decided to focus on these markets.

In 1989, Steve Eddington and Al Born acquired and took over the day to day management of Electronic Search, Inc. They have brought the company to its current status as a boutique staffing firm with a strong specialization in the Wireless, Mobile and Telecom industries.

Steve has always handled key account relationships and retained searches in addition to his executive duties, and likes to keep close to the customers and what the industry is doing as a whole. His articles and commentaries on the staffing industry, including, Resume Du Jour, How many Interviews Does it Take, The One Page Resume and Other Urban Legends, and Server Crashes, Manhattan Youth Starves, have been published in various trade magazines. Among his many philosophies, Steve would quote Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, “Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.”

“I have grown to love this industry and have never ceased to enjoy the relationships that I have developed through the years. If you read the profiles of our staff, it is interesting to note that we have assembled a unique group of individuals with a blend of business and artistic ‘chops.’ On my current staff I have musicians (myself among them), screenwriters, poets, actors, painters and songwriters. These same people are dedicated, ethical and talented staffing experts. We typically acknowledge what we do at Electronic Search, Inc. as an art form and whenever I suggest that we ‘get creative’ there is no shortage of creative input. People have commented that we seem to be a magnet for creative types. I didn’t plan it that way, it has just ‘happened’ that people with artistic abilities have fallen into our business and thrive in our environment. Long ago I accepted this reality, blessed it and even count on it during difficult times.

“In the Wireless space, I am proud to say we are the best. As a recruiting partner, we compete with the leading retained firms, but they don’t have our network, industry knowledge or creativity. When it comes to breaking out of the box, we have consistently hit the ball into the bleachers, and on a typical day, I am personally on the front lines of the game contributing to the perfection of our craft.”

Email Steve

General Manager

Al Born

Al started with Electronic Search, Inc in 1978 and is on the front lines of the day to day operations of the company.

“My career started working for a large agency downtown. While working for that agency, I decided that I wanted to work for a company that was more interested in the needs of the clients and the futures of the candidates that I dealt with. A few of my colleagues had decided to go on their own and establish such a company. I joined them as a Recruiter in 1978. Through various changes, I grew into management and hold the position of General Manager today. I am very interested in seeing companies become successful by investing in their people. I feel that people are a company’s greatest resource and that is why I chose this business.

“While I still occasionally make placements, the bulk of my time is spent running the company, managing and training our Recruiters. I take great pleasure in seeing our people become successful.

“I am very interested in the technology of management, and how to run a firm in the most efficient way. I have studied and use the Hubbard Administrative Technology to accomplish this. I have found it to be a common sense way to approach any business and to get it to reach its full potential. I believe that, if given the training and encouragement, people will always strive to do their best. This is reflected in their statistics. It is very clear in black or white if they are performing their job or not.”

Email Al

Operations Director

Erin Antonopoulos

Since her start with ESI in March of 1998, Erin has handled a number of client and candidate related positions – from processing candidate resumes to maintaining our client/candidate database records.

Currently as the Operations Director, she is handling all of the company’s Human Resources and Publications Departments. Erin enjoys working here with the other staff, because they are friendly and work well as a team.

About working at ESI, Erin has this to say: “The company is very organized, and everyone plays a part to ensure that our clients are satisfied. The work environment here at ESI is fun and pleasant!”

Email Erin


Susan Fine

Susan’s field was telecommunications sales for a number of years before joining ESI in 1998. She has worked for major global telecommunications companies and some smaller distributors in the Chicago area. At Electronic Search, Inc. Susan focuses on managing accounts in the wireless and telecommunications space including major players in the wireless content and applications, infrastructure, mobile device and WiMax arenas. Susan has successfully handled some of our most difficult searches.

When asked why Susan likes recruiting, she said:

“I like solving my clients’ problems. I get a real kick out of this. So many companies have been through the mill, downloading unqualified Internet resumes, or else they have had less-than-perfect experiences with other Recruiters. I like finding out what my client needs and delivering it to them. I also find it really interesting to hear a candidate’s story. Everyone has a story and it’s very important to them. I feel that I am working with candidates to help them have a better life.

“When I put the right candidate with the right employer, it is such a winning occasion for everyone. The candidate gets to spend the greatest number of his waking hours at a job he wants. The client gets a productive employee who helps the company reach its goals. I get to feel like I made a difference. Yes, I get paid but there are a lot of easier ways to make a living – that would not give me the same satisfaction.”

Email Susan

Carl Schumacher

Carl Schumacher has been working for Electronic Search Inc. as an Executive and Technical Recruiter since 2000. His focus at ESI has been recruiting executives at the CEO, CTO, CFO, GM, VP, Director and Management levels. His expertise is within the wireless arena, recruiting for Fortune 500 companies and emerging growth companies in the digital content and software application space. He has also focused on highly technical roles such as Engineers in the laser, semiconductor, and communications industries.

“The key to this business is relationships. Many of the clients and candidates I work with have grown to be more than business associates…they are now my friends. With the invention of the Internet, any guy with a PC can call himself a Recruiter just by submitting resumes to the e-mail address of a company who is hiring. But, companies hire people, not resumes. So the philosophy that I have adopted is to know the candidate beyond the resume and understand the client beyond the job order. It is the unwritten information that comes out in conversation that usually fits the right person to the right job.”

Email Carl

Jason Parker

Jason Parker is our Executive Retained Recruiter focusing in the wireless arena.  He focuses on searches ranging from Executive Management to high level Sales & Engineering roles.  He specializes in the Online/Mobile Advertising, GPS/LBS and Test & Measurement industries. Jason has identified some of the best clients & candidates we have to offer.

“Although this is a sales job, I am not pushing an unwanted product on anyone. I understand my client’s culture and their need for a combination of skill, consultancy & speed to complete each search. I work with both the Fortune 500 to the privately held & early stage start-up companies. Each one requiring the same level of thoroughness and expertise necessary to get the job done. When I find a qualified candidate, I am playing a significant role in the advancement of his/her career and increasing the probability of success for my clientele. This is a game worth playing because everyone ultimately wins! Can you ask for anything better?”

Email Jason

Matt Moran

As a Recruiter, Matt sources, recruits, and qualifies candidates for employment with our clients. He also works with our clients and candidates throughout the hiring process. He brings over 10 years of sales and customer experience to ESI.

“I grew up surfing the internet for whatever information I needed. I take pride in being able to find candidates and present them with opportunities that match their backgrounds. This ability allows me to fill jobs quickly for my clients. I work in both the Wireless and Public Safety industries.

To be able to help someone improve their career is a great feeling. Personally, I watch basketball, play video games and enjoy listening to music.”

Email Matt

James Somers

As a Technical Recruiter, James works on the front lines of recruiting. His responsibilities include contacting candidates, presenting them job opportunities and qualifying them for said opportunities.

“I have spent the last 10 years of my life working with people and helping them capitalize on their opportunities. I take a lot of pride in knowing that I can help people advance in their careers. Here at Electronic Search I use my experience to aid others in partnering with new career opportunities in which everyone wins.”

Email James



Tech Services

Debbie Schumacher

Debbie is a Technical Recruiter focusing mainly on contacting and qualifying candidates for our client’s opportunities.  Her expertise is in public safety, mobile content and mobile marketing industries.  She has been in Human Resources and Recruiting for over 10 years.

“I like what I do, plain and simple. When someone I am working with gets placed, I know that I have helped them to find a career choice that provides them with personal fulfillment. I also like knowing I am helping our clients find valuable people that contribute to their growth and success. It’s a bit addicting, and I have been known to eat lunch at my desk just so I can keep working!

Personally, I have two great children and my husband is pretty great, too. I have a degree in Business Administration with a minor in Math. I have also achieved a second degree black belt instructor position in martial arts. My children keep me pretty busy when I am not working, but I still manage to have some time for personal hobbies such as reading, golfing, and exploring the technology I work with all day!”

Email Debbie


Lane Eddington, Director of Sales & Marketing

Lane Eddington has been working with ESI since 1998, in roles from Recruiting to Training to Business Development and Marketing.   Currently she holds the position of Director of Sales and Marketing, helping to drive business development as well as managing the company’s web presence and promotion.

Having seen the ups and downs of the staffing industry over the past decade, Lane has this to say: “Speaking to employers and seeing the routine problems they face in retaining quality staff, I’ve come to understand the real value of a good Recruiting partner.  This is something that will never be obsolete.   The service we provide is person to person relationship building; it has to do with communication, creating opportunities, and understanding people.  No job board can do that.

“In prospecting, I learn a lot about technology trends, but it’s the people that are important. It’s the people that drive new technologies forward and make companies thrive. ”

For more information about why ESI has had 30 years of success as a staffing provider, and the scope of our services, contact Lane at : 847-506-7551

Email Lane

Joann Baumeister, Email Marketing Specialist

Working at Electronic Search makes me proud to belong to a company so well established. I find my job bulk email marketing to be a very successful function within our company. If a candidate gets placed, I feel my role helped someone with their career. Each and everyday I feel the energy our team works so hard to make ESI successful. Everyone is a team player and strives to keep our clients very satisfied. At the same time ESI takes many steps to make sure their employees are priority too! That’s what makes the working environment here a pleasure to know it’s a win-win situation.

I am married and we have a very energetic and wonderful son! In my spare time I enjoy music, cooking and spending time with my family. Whether it’s playing video games, watching sports or just catching up on a movie together it’s all good.

Email Joann

Jason Born, Sales Associate

“I enjoy working as a lead generator/sales associate for ESI. I have had a great opportunity to connect with people all over the globe and establish professional acquaintances with candidates in many numerous technologies, and it has been super rewarding that I am a part of someone finding their ideal career and achieving their life goals.”

About me,

I am a full time student at University of Wisconsin-Parkside, studying for a Bachelor of Science in the Nursing Field. When I am not working, enjoy watching the Cubs, Blackhawks, and Packers. I am newly married and my wife, and I are both proud Official Team Owners of the Green Bay Packers through the Shareholder program.

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. ”-Vince Lombardi

Email Jason


Dana Shahwan, Executive Assistant

Dana has been with ESI since 1992.  She originally started as their receptionist while attending college.  She then took on the role of Business Development Manager for several years, retaining new clients, negotiating contracts, and marketing.  Since then, she has been with ESI on a part-time basis covering roles as Production Services, and is currently Executive Assistant to Steve Eddington.  She helps Steve with administrative functions, as well as helping source suitable candidates for his client’s job openings.

About working at ESI, Dana has this to say:  “I have known these guys for a long time, and I feel like I have grown up with them.  I am very fortunate to work for such an ethical and successful company for all of these years.  It is a great environment, and I’m happy to be part of such a great team of people.”

Dana enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons, as well as sports, fitness, and cooking.

Email Dana