Tips for clients ( Electronic Search, Inc.’s definitive directory of reasons NOT to hire )

  1. Candidate is almost dead or actually dead
  2. When you ask the candidate what happened at their last job, they don’t remember
  3. When you schedule the drug test, the candidate informs you that in 5 minutes he is leaving on a 3 week vacation but would be happy to take the test as soon as he returns
  4. Candidate smells like garbage dump or dead bird
  5. The candidate says his only reference is his twin brother who lives in Siberia. All other past references were killed in the Civil War
  6. Before and after answering a question, candidate says “dude” or “dude-skee”
  7. When you ask a computer programmer what languages he knows, he says “all of ’em”
  8. You ask a question and the candidate gives you a perfect answer, but the answer is to a different question. You ask again and he says “yup”
  9. You ask the candidate to clarify when they went to college and they ask to see a copy of their resume so they can check
  10. Candidate comes to interview with a 3-day beard, says his name is Robert, but you can call him “Spike.” Only employer listed as “CIRKUS”
  11. Candidate says he will do daily commute from Greenland to South Africa

We hope these pointers will help to fully educate all of our staffing friends, as the challenges of turning away good candidates in these trying times become trickier.

Stay tuned for other hints and suggestions from the friendly folks at Electronic Search, Inc.

If you would like to find out more about Electronic Search’s unique approach to solving tough staffing problems in an industry that can only be described as “nutty,” please give me a call.

Steve Eddington

